A home is so much more than a roof above your head. While it’s most obvious purpose is to protect you and your family from the elements, a home is not a home if you don’t feel safe or comfortable in it. Everybody deserves to have a place they can retreat to, a place that’s safe and secure. And more often than not, most people would rather unwind at the comfort of their own home than at a spa or a resort. Why? Because there’s no place like home. Period. You could be away on vacation or you could be busy making a nice family dinner, but you might never truly be at peace, if you feel like your home’s security is inadequate. So, here’s how you can improve your home’s security; Go here https://clarkestinting.com.au for more information about window tinting.
Reinforce all entry points
Securing all doors, windows and other entry ways into the house should be your first priority. You can install strong dead bolt locks on each door, including garage doors, and window. If you’re the type of person who usually forgets to lock their doors you can make an additional investment and get a smart lock, through which you will be able to remotely lock and unlock your doors and windows. While it’s the most basic security measure against thieves and criminals, sometimes a good old lock just won’t do. While you don’t need to nail your windows shut, you can still get plenty of ventilation without compromising your home’s security through safety tinting Parramatta. It doesn’t just protect your privacy by preventing any unwanted voyeurs or peeping Toms, but it will hold the glass in place even after it breaks or shatters.
Lawn and yard security
Installing porch or yard lights are a great way of keeping trespassers at bay as ample lighting makes it harder to hide or sneak around the property. Motion activated lights are a good investment if you have a bigger yard or you’re often away from home as the sudden activation of lights can startle any criminal or burglar. Don’t forget to trim and cut large branches which criminals can use to gain access to the roof, attic or upper levels of the house. Clear the garden or yard of any tools or equipment that can be used to break into the house. Cutting and trimming trees and shrubs will also reduce the number of potential hiding places for criminals.
Getting to know your neighbors
Moving into a new city or a neighborhood can be quite scary. Especially if you’re not too thrilled about the crime statistics. Extensive research on a neighborhood is crucial before buying a new house. It’s always smart to get to know your neighbors after moving in. Not just for the sake of socializing or being nice, but to get to know the area. Don’t be too trusting and let strangers in without knowing them properly. Therefore, limit the number of guests you invite to your house warming party. Thieves can pretend to be neighbors and enter your house to get an idea of the place before they plan a break-in. Before hiring gardeners, plumbers or other help, make sure to do background checks to ensure the identities of the people you’d be letting into your house.